Friday, November 14, 2008

Applesauce has surgery

Well, one night I went outside to clean a "present" of the porch (a mole, if you must know,) and heard Applesauce's quiet mewing. I called for her and she did not come, she only lay there. My heart started to race. It was like the moment I found Onyx all over again. I went to pick her up, and sure enough, her hind leg just dangled. I started crying immediately. I knew it was broken. I also knew I would never be able to get the money needed for another surgery.

I took her inside with me, held her in my arms, and just cried for what seemed like hours. My mind raced thinking of what I could do to save her from being put down, and my best hope was to take her to the vet's and see if anyone there would want to keep her and take care of her injury. I was extremely sad to think that she would have to go to another home, but the alternative was worse.

I got online to express my feelings to my letterboxing friends, I just wanted some good thoughts sent my way, a few prayers that all would turn out well. In addition to the thoughts of warmth and caring I received, my friends also began to conspire to help me with the surgery costs. They were going to make sure I did not have to give up my kitty, and Coffee Mug, Pioneer Spirit, Rosmarinus, and keepin up with the Jones all made sure I knew that before I took my kitty in. They are such sweet people. The whole letterboxing community is so wonderful.

The next morning when I took Onyx in to get his staples removed, I took Applesauce with me, knowing I had the support of my friends to help. It was confirmed that her leg was broken, the fracture was right in the middle of her femur. She would need surgery. I knew I would not have the money by the time I had to pick her up in two days, and so the doctor set up a payment plan and I left Applesauce in their care.

A couple days later I was able to pick Applesauce up. The vet assistant brought her to me, and the first thing she did was lick my hand. She is such a sweet kitty. I brought her home and made her a comfortable, quiet place and let her rest.

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